
Nasyam is one of the famous Panchakarma treatments (five types of cleansing procedures widely used in Kerala, South India) in Ayurveda that help relieve conditions such as sinusitis, headaches, migraines and some other problems related to neck and shoulder. Usually, Nasyam begins with a full body massage. After the massage, inhalation with steam from boiled herbs is performed. This is very effective in opening the channels. In Sanskrit this is called swedanam and is an essential part of the treatment. After swedanam, the guest must remain lying on his back. Now some Ayurvedic drops are gently and carefully placed in both nostrils. The guest is advised to breathe deeply now. At the end of the treatment a special facial massage is performed.




Nasyam helps with the following complaints:


  • Sinusitis
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Stiff shoulders



The treatment is recognized by most health insurance companies (supplementary insurance). 


EMR Nr. 26054, ZSR Nr. B494360, ASCA ID: 106773, EGK Therapeuten Nr. 42736, GLN Nr. 7601002563383, Mitglied VSAMT