
Abhyangam is the most popular massage in Ayurveda, which is a full-body massage done with warm Ayurveda oils made with several Indian herbs. This massage starts from the back, goes through the spinal areas, neck, shoulder, rib areas, lumbar and lower back areas, releases your stiff muscles and brings natural relaxation. Then the legs are massaged, thighs, calf muscles and the feet. Feet massage is always a special way to relax. Now it’s time to turn around and lay on the back! Massage starts from the limbs, legs and arms, and abdomen. Neck and shoulders are massaged again, from behind. In the sitting position, the trigger points of the neck and shoulder are massaged. As last but not the least, is the head massage, which starts as a scalp massage and ends as a tapping massage. This helps to improve the head blood circulation which results in relaxation.



The benefits of Abhyangam:


  • Nourishes the entire body and decreases the effects of aging
  • Imparts muscle tone and vigor to the dhatus (tissues) of the body
  • Imparts a firmness to the limbs
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Increases circulation
  • Stimulates the functions of the internal organs of the body
  • Assists in the elimination of impurities from the body
  • Moves the lymph, aiding in detoxification
  • Calms the nerves
  • Benefits sleep (better, deeper sleep)
  • Enhances vision
  • Helps the hair (scalp) growth
  • Softens and smoothens skin (works against wrinkles)
  • Pacifies Vata and Pitta, stimulates Kapha



The treatment is recognized by most health insurance companies (supplementary insurance).


EMR Nr. 26054, ZSR Nr. B494360, ASCA ID: 106773, EGK Therapeuten Nr. 42736, GLN Nr. 7601002563383, Mitglied VSAMT